Board of Public Affairs Meeting Minutes, June, 2019
The Board of Public Affairs for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, June 10, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. with the following members present: Clark, Estadt and Radcliff.
Minutes for the previous meeting approved.
A motion to pay the bills including monthly bills made by Estadt seconded by Radcliff. All in favor, motion carried.
Chip Stephan and Katie Saba of WE Quicksall discussed the Area F Sewer project with the following: Mayor has successfully received most of easements. RPIG application has been submitted and preliminary scored with funds available in mid-September. Bids advertised immediately opened on June 27, 2019, and awarded at next council meeting July 8, 2019. Construction will start end of August early September.
Stephan also informed the board that he had sent a proposal to Weber for the Carbon Activated Feed Project for the water plant and information on a water plant expansion.
Dana Indermuhle and Dalton Ramage of Swiss Valley Associates reported on Sewer upgrades with project plans and estimated cost. Also discussed availability on grants. Indermuhle informed the board that he would have a presentation on telemetry at the boards next scheduled meeting.
Jason Weber, Water Plant Superintendent reported on plant operations. Weber reported the following: Quicksall to prepare agreement for Carbon Feed Site. Concrete poured at Singers. Continuing to install remotes. NCI pump station repaired.
Jerod Ramage, Sewer Plant Superintendent reported on plant operations. Ramage reported the following: Dug up clean out near Danny Baker’s property. Repairing panel issues at Salt Run Apartments. One Clarifier finished and sludge building done.
Clark questioned why sewer truck has been traveling in Sunset. Superintendent Ramage said he would check on.
Michele’s report reviewed with water miscellaneous accounts discussed. The board discussed action on non-payment accounts.
A motion to adjourn made by Clark seconded by Estadt. All in favor, motion carried.