Trick or Treat 2021
Trick or Treat will be held Thursday, October 28th from 6PM - 7:30PM.
Trick or Treat will be held Thursday, October 28th from 6PM - 7:30PM.
Village of Caldwell Council Meeting via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 941 4924 0396 Passcode if asked: 43724 Call in without PC or App using regular phone: 301-715-8592 […]
The Capital Grand funding has approved our "project snow globe" grant submission to install a synthetic ice rink! We are excited to showcase this new attraction beginning at 3:00PM. The […]
The only synthetic ice skating rink within 50 miles of Noble county! Skates are available by donation. We also have skating "walkers" to use as well.
Horse drawn Carriage rides November 24, 26, 27. December 4, 10, 11 17th and 18th Other pop-up dates throughout the holiday season. Rides are $5.00 per person
Our annual Christmas Tree Lighting will be held downtown on the square on Tuesday, November 24th at 6PM! The Historic Jail will also be open from 6-8PM.
After the tree lighting head to the rink!
The only synthetic ice skating rink within 50 miles of Noble county! Skates are available by donation. We also have skating "walkers" to use as well.
The only synthetic ice skating rink within 50 miles of Noble county! Skates are available by donation. We also have skating "walkers" to use as well.
Horse drawn Carriage rides November 24, 26, 27. December 4, 10, 11 17th and 18th Other pop-up dates throughout the holiday season. Rides are $5.00 per person