Village Council Meeting Minutes, May, 2020

The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, May 11, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., with the following members present: Antill, Postlethwait, Welsh, Saling, Minosky and Doan.

Previous month minutes approved as written.

A motion was made by Minosky seconded by Saling that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying bills including monthly and year end. All in favor, motion carried.

Mayor Wells reported the following. Working with Sgt. Pointer on property maintenance with making phone calls on yard mowing. Looking into benefits of State of Emergency for Village as other Villages are declaring due to COVID-19. AARP Grant submitted for benches and swings. Cats becoming issue again.

Sgt. Pointer reported on activity in the village with extra patrol around areas of concern and several property checks done on local businesses.

Tyler Anderson via the internet approached council with hopes of leasing the Rohrbaugh Building. Council decided to move forward with advertisement so Anderson and any other interested to submit a proposal. 

Terry McAfee via the internet informed council that several scouts were attending meeting with him for their merit badges. McAfee requested the use of Caldwell Lake for their yearly camp out and Mayor Wells told McAfee if he could get Shawn Rays blessing it would be okay with council. 

Ordinance 2020-03 amending the Village Administrator position and making it full time discussion held with the following. Board President Radcliff discussed delinquent water/sewer bills. Mayor Wells wants to continue with Ordinance stating it needed more than ever. Welsh stated she is uncomfortable with the limit of spending being $50,000.00. This is ORC. Postlethwait stated restructuring the village under an administrator could reduce some cost in general fund. Radcliff stated that big projects coming ahead administrator could help. Postlethwait stated that 86% of villages have an administrator. 

Motion made by Postlethwait seconded by Antill to accept Ordinance 2020-03 Village Administrator full time. Postlethwait, yes, Antill, yes, Welsh, yes, Saling, no, Minosky, no, Doan, no.

Mayor Wells breaks tie with yes, motion carried.

Motion to waive the three reading rule on Ordinance 2020-03 made by Postlethwait seconded by Antill. Postlethwait, yes, Antill, yes, Welsh, yes, Saling, no, Minosky, no, Doan, no. Mayor Wells breaks tie with yes. Motion carried.

2020-04 Lawn Ordinance first reading held.

Councilman Minosky reported unable to give a good financial report until possible July due to COVID-19. 

Board President Radcliff informed council that the board was against renting the Rohrbaugh Building.

Motion by Postlethwait seconded by Antill to advertise to lease the Rohrbaugh building. Postlethwait, yes, Antill, yes, Welsh, abstain, Saling, no, Doan, no, Minosky, yes. Motion carried.

Antill reported that June 26 -27 would be clean-up day in the               Village with Welsh adding that the Street Department would help. Councilman Minosky stated that council could also help. 

Councilman Antill also reported on potholes and hopes of more clean up at Sunset Pond. Antill also requested that the mayor tell the Street Department to keep the street sweeper off the new sidewalk. 

Councilwoman Welsh reminded the public that sidewalk monies are available.

Motion by Minosky seconded by Welsh to hire summer help thru Job and Family services. All in favor, motion carried.

Mayor Wells informed council she had been working with Rick Peepers with IGS for a new electric contract.

Motion by Minosky seconded by Postlethwait to accept a Memorandum of Understanding with the Noble County Engineers office as they agree to work together accurately mapping Noble County. All in favor, motion carried. 

Motion to adjourn by Minosky seconded by Antill. All in favor, motion carried.