Village Council Meetings, January 2019

The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, January 14, 2019 at 6:00 p.m., with the following members present: Doan, Postlethwait, Welsh, Saling, Minosky and Antill.

            The previous month minutes approved as written.

            A motion was made by Antill seconded by Saling that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying bills including monthly. All in favor motion carried.

            Mayor Bates thanked Phil Doan for organizing the Village Christmas dinner and Caldwell Food Center for preparing the meal.

            Mayor Bates reported that the General Fund operating in the black for first time in 20 years. Mayor Bates discussed the Village current debt Bates would like to pay off some of smaller loans.

            Mayor Bates thanked the Street Department for the work cleaning the streets during the recent snowfall.

            Mayor Bates announced the following committees for 2019:

            President of Council – Phil Doan

            Safety – Welsh, Antill and Saling

            Finance – Postlethwait, Minosky and Doan

            Zoning – Bates, Welsh, Radcliff and Clark

            Julie Ward and John Rauch of RCAP approached the council updating on asset management plan they are currently working on for the Water Plant. The EPA mandates this plan. Rauch and Ward will be checking inventory, completing analysis on cost per thousand, tracking treatment expenses, non-revenue water percentages. Ward and Rauch stated they hope to have answers that are more definitive in six months.

            Commissioner Brad Peoples questioned need for another water source. Ward stated she would hope to have an answer in 6 months. Rauch also recommended a meeting with local officials and leaders on the subject.

            Kevin White of WLM approached the council with concerns of complaints of him parking on the sidewalk in front of his business. White stated he had currently moved into new location and been approached with complaints of where he is parking vehicles. Mayor Bates stated to White that he appreciates his business and the council is requesting that he keep the sidewalks around his business open.

            Sgt. Robert Pointer gave the council an activity report on Sheriff Department activity in the Village stating that the department spent 119 scheduled hours in the Village.

            Motion by Minosky seconded by Postlethwait to accept Ordinance 2019-01 creating appropriations for the year 2019. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Minosky seconded by Welsh to waive the three reading rule on Ordinance 2019-01. All in favor, motion carried.

            Motion by Postlethwait seconded by Saling to accept Ordinance 2019-02 revising tax clerk position to full time. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Postlethwait seconded by Saling to waive the three reading rule on Ordinance 2019-02. All in favor, motion carried.

            Minosky discussed the need for an Economic Development tab on the Villages website. Postlethwait stated he would add to site.

            Welsh reported that the cat situation on North Street improving and the Wentworth property on Main Street is getting cleaned up.

            Antill questioned why the Street employees are riding two in a truck during snow removal. Mayor Bates stated that the passenger helps with loading, belts breaking etc. Antill and Postlethwait state they do not feel there is a need. Board member Radcliff stated the passenger needed for safety concerns.

            Minosky informed the council he was looking into a sidewalk grant. Minosky stated the need of sidewalk repair all over town.

            A motion made to adjourn by Saling seconded by Postlethwait. All in favor, motion carried.