Village of Caldwell Council Minutes for April, 2024


The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday April 15, 2024 at 5:00 p.m., with the following members present: Antill, Rucker, Minosky, Postlethwait, Welsh and Hopkins.

The previous month regular minutes approved as written.

Motion by Welsh seconded by Hopkins that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying monthly. All in favor motion carried.

Mayors comments: 5K – Child Abuse Prevention with vendors and a craft show on April 20, 2024. Funding for smaller projects with sewer project continues. Water plant project out to for bid . Meeting to be scheduled with Satellite Water Companies.

Village Administrator comments: Paving Miller continuing. County Sewer Extension CR56 discussions. Residents to be hooked in discussed.

Sheriff Department comments: Spring bringing code violations with trash and dog complaints.

Herman and Betty Nau approached council with request to vacate alley on Spruce Street. After discussion a follow up on process and options with solicitor.

Motion by Antill seconded by Postlethwait to accept Resolution 2024-08 authorizing the mayor to negotiate Huck Property Purchase. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Welsh seconded by Minosky Resolution 2024-09 authorizing Salt Purchase agreement. All in favor with Antill abstaining. Motion carried.

Ordinance 2024-03 Water Rate Increase Tabled. More research to be done.

Motion by Minosky seconded by Rucker to accept Ordinance 2024-08 village tax update. All in favor, motion carried.

Curb and sidewalk replacements discussed with Becky Hayes to receive funding for curb. Future sidewalk and curb replacement to take place. Clerk/treasurer questioned when repair will take place beside Doudna building.

Motion by Hopkins seconded by Antill to donate the mower to Historical Society. All in favor with Minosky abstaining. Motion carried.

Motion by Antill seconded by Postlethwait to go into executive session inviting clerk and mayor. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Minosky seconded by Antill to go back into regular session. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Hopkins seconded by Antill to accept Ordinance 2024-05 amending Village Administrator Ordinance to allow for part time. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Antill seconded by Postlethwait to waive the three-reading rule on Ordinance 2024-05. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Hopkins seconded by Antill to accept Ordinance 2024-06 amending salaries. All in favor, motion carried. Motion by Hopkins seconded by Postlethwait to waive three reading rule on Ordinance 2024-06. All in favor, motion carried.

Committee reports:


Service/Safety: Clean up Days to be held June 6, 7, and 8. Pick up available Thursday and Friday.



Motion to adjourn by Minosky seconded by Hopkins. All in favor, motion carried