Village of Caldwell Meeting Minutes for November, 2024

The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday November 12, 2024 at 5:00 p.m., with the following members present: Antill, Rucker, Minosky, Postlethwait and Welsh. Hopkins absent.

The previous month regular minutes approved as written.

Motion by Minosky seconded by Welsh that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying monthly. Also, to include flood insurance with Anderson Insurance Agency. All in favor with Rucker abstaining motion carried.

Mayors comments: Looking for volunteers for Christmas decorating. Wreaths to be hung on Courthouse windows with the Christmas tree arriving Friday. Sewer project continues with substantial completion. Downtown Revitalization continuing. No Hunting Signs at Caldwell Lake as individuals hunting on Village property.

Village Administrator comments: Water leak in Sunset found and repaired with the help of departments and Ohio Rural Water.

Deputy May of the Noble County Sheriff Department reported on Village activities discussing the hunting on village property stating that this should be taken care. Minosky reported a mattress in need of removal on Frazer Street.

Sheriff Mackie discussed need for cameras throughout Village. Sheriff Mackie also stated he had radios that he could donate to Village.

Council President Postlethwait discussed he had been in discussion with business for camera installation throughout the village and Caldwell Lake.

Motion by Welsh seconded by Rucker accepting Resolution 2024-26 authorizing an increase in appropriations. All in favor motion carried.

Motion by Minosky seconded by Postlethwait accepting ordinance 2024-06 authorizing emergent spending. All in favor. Motion carried.

2024-07 Water and Sewer Rules and Regulations removed as already exist.

Second reading 2024-07 Bulk Water Fee. Renumbered.

Committee reports:


Service/Safety: Antill – Hole on Main Street need repaired. Minosky – Alley behind WLM in need of repair.

Finance: Sheriff Dept contract and Oil Lease discussion. Waiting for final draft of lease. Minosky stated that possible 2-3 percent increase on Sheriff Department contract but not $20,000.00.


Motion to adjourn by Minosky seconded by Antill. All in favor, motion carried.