Village of Caldwell Meeting, Council Minutes, August, 2020

The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, August 10, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., with the following members present: Antill, Rucker, Welsh, Saling, Minosky and Postlethwait. 

The previous month minutes approved as written.

Motion by Welsh seconded by Saling that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying bills including monthly bills.  All in favor motion carried.

Mayor Wells reported the following: Great transition with new village Administrator. Met with Ohio Erie and sewer team on current sewer project. Postlethwait added sidewalk and zoning applications online. Mayor Wells thanked Postlethwait for his IT help. Presented a Village Flag proposal from Bob Schehl and will follow up next meeting.

Village Administrator Jeremy Keffer reported on the following: Fire Hydrant near church installed on the 17th. Pumping sludge at water plant. Planted four trees at Caldwell Lake. Removing tree behind 814 North Street on Village right of way. New stone and limb removal at cemetery. Water meters installation almost finished. Keffer stated Ruppel and Ramage doing a great job on installation. Ohio Erie to start excavating in Village next week. Looking into possible lean to on back of Street Department building.

Mayor Wells also reported she is currently working on new signage for village on SR 821 coming into Village. 

Mayor Wells stated she is looking for volunteers for Christmas in the Village and also looking for Halloween suggestions.  Councilman Postlethwait offered to help.

Sergeant Pointer unable to attend meeting and sent a report for council.

A motion made by Welsh seconded by Postlethwait to go into executive session to discuss financial matters inviting clerk, solicitor and administrator. All in favor, motion carried.

A motion to go back into regular session was made by Minosky seconded by Saling. All in favor, motion carried. 

A motion by Minosky seconded by Postlethwait to accept Resolution 2020-10 authorizing the clerk/treasure to transfer $500,000.00 to Raymond James Financial Institution. All in favor, motion carried.

A motion by Minosky seconded by Antill to accept Resolution 2020-11 authorizing the clerk/treasurer to sign into a depository agreement with the Farmers and Merchants Bank. All in favor, motion carried. 

A motion by Minosky seconded by Antill to accept Resolution 2020-12 authorizing the mayor to sign into agreement with Caldwell Exempted Village School District for use of field behind City Hall for soccer events. All in favor, motion carried.

A motion by Minosky seconded by Saling to accept Resolution 2020-13 to do line item money transfers. All in favor, motion carried. 

Councilman Antill stated that cemetery looking good and questioned how ethics classes were going with employees. Village Admin Keffer stated all but 2 employees had completed.

Mayor Wells informed council employees would be getting new uniforms with Keffer adding employees getting identification badges.

A motion by Antill seconded by Rucker to move forward with the pond clean out in Sunset. All in favor, motion carried. 

A motion by Minosky seconded by Postlethwait to purchase street sweeper for the village. All in favor, motion carried.

Councilman Postlethwait reported that Caldwell Lake had been vandalized again and the village would be installing cameras with 24 hour surveillance. Councilman Rucker suggested placing one on building to identify cars coming in and out. 

Councilman Minosky reported he had received an email thanking the Eagle Scouts for their work on the Buckeye Trail. 

Motion to adjourn by Rucker seconded by Saling. All in favor, motion carried.



