Board of Public Affairs Meeting Minutes, July, 2019

The Board of Public Affairs for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, July 8, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. with the following members present: Estadt and Radcliff. Clark absent.

            Minutes for June meeting approved as written.

A motion to pay the bills including monthly bills made by Radcliff seconded by Estadt. All in favor, motion carried.

Chip Stephan of W.E. Quicksall updated the board on the Sewer Area F project with the following: 2 easements left to be obtained. WE Quicksall would like copies of easements. RPIG application been submitted. Bids will need rejected due to waiting on these funds. The project cannot advertised until RPIG funds awarded. Construction to start end of January 2020. Activated Carbon Feed System: Proposal sent to Jason Weber for review. Manufactory contacted and supplied information for the feed equipment. Water Plant Expansion: Jason Weber provided ballpark figures for construction and expansion cost. Area E: Deadline to submit nominations for planning loan through WPCLF is August 1.

A motion made by Radcliff seconded by Estadt to reject bids for Area F construction. All in favor, motion carried.

Swiss Valley Associates followed up with board on sewer upgrades.

Jason Weber, Water Plant Superintendent reported on plant operations. Weber discussed the GIS programming explain that it will be county wide and the county will be receiving a grant for the project. Radcliff questioned Weber on how many meters he has installed informing Weber he wanted meters installed ASAP.  Weber stated that pump station master meter installed and the summer help has been painting.

Radcliff questioned Weber on his gas bill stating that he felt $1035.00 for month was high for summertime. Weber to look into.

Jerod Ramage, Sewer Plant Superintendent reported on plant operations with the following: Need computer and printer with internet in lab, clarifier painting questioning quality and meeting with TS Elliott to discuss. Sludge spreading going well. Sink hole on fairground alley checking on. Prison sampler not working correctly. Pricing through Whetzel.

Jane Barnett approached the board with questions about water issues in driveways on Kennedy Drive. Barnett questioned where she could divert water from driveway. Ramage to check on for her.

A motion to adjourn made by Radcliff seconded by Estadt. All in favor, motion carried.