Village Council Meeting Minutes, August, 2019

The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, August 12, 2019 at 6:00 p.m., with the following members present: Doan, Postlethwait, Saling, Minosky and Antill. Welsh absent.

The previous month minutes approved as written.

            A motion was made by Minosky seconded by Saling that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying bills including monthly. All in favor motion carried.

            Mayor Bates discussed continuous dog and cat complaints he had received stating that he would like to discuss with Deputy Langley with help on rectifying problems. Bates also reported to council that paving would start August 20 weather permitting.

            Sgt. Robert Pointer reported on activity in the Village stating that during patrolling hours deputies did several property checks and report of suspicious activity. Pointer also stated that several of traffic stops performed with the K-9 Unit. The department also had two deputies on duty in the Village during the Fireman’s Festival.

            Councilman Postlethwait stated that he had invited Toxscreen, a local traveling drug testing company to meeting but unable to attend and hoped to be at next month council meeting.

            Bret Norton and Katie Sabo from WE Quicksall reported on the Sewer Separation Area E Project stating that currently awaiting funding and timeline of project has changed. Clerk and Council questioned on extensions of funding already held by Village with Sabo stating that she felt confident OPWC would issue an extension.

            Norton also discussed possibility of WE Quicksall working with county on water feasibility testing in the county.

            County Commissioner Brad Peoples also discussed the water feasibility testing informing council the County had received a grant for study.

            A motion made by Postlethwait seconded by Antill to accept Resolution 2019-08 accepting the amounts and rates determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor. All in favor, motion carried.

            A motion made by Antill seconded by Doan to accept Resolution 2019-09 consenting to the Ohio Director of Transportation to complete Bridge Inspection Services. All in favor. Motion carried.

            A motion made by Minosky seconded by Saling to accept Resolution 2019-10 increasing appropriation 1000-620-590 $23,000.00 making final appropriation $93.000.00. All in favor, motion carried.

            A motion by Minosky seconded by Saling accepting the final reading on Ordinance 2019-05 amending the Village Handbook. Minosky, yea, Saling, yea, Doan, yea, Antill, no, Postlethwait, yea. Antill stated the following reasons for voting no before his vote: paid lunch versus non-paid lunch would save the village an average of over $350,000.00 over ten years, which could possibly create an income tax reduction. Mandatory drug testing would provide a productive and safe environment and be a great asset to the Village with the current drug epidemic going on.

            Councilman Antill reported that sidewalk project coming along well and new lights installed on North Street.

            Motion by Minosky seconded by Postlethwait to reject bids received on roof for City Hall. All in favor, motion carried.

            Motion made by Doan seconded by Antill to hire Gerst Tree Removal to cut down trees and grind stumps at Caldwell Lake, Caldwell Park and the Mt. Olive Cemetery. All in favor, motion carried.

            Motion made by Postlethwait seconded by Doan to allow for 802 Spruce Street closure for a family reunion. All in favor, motion carried.

            Motion made by Minosky seconded by Doan to purchase and Ford F-150 for the Street Department. All in favor, motion carried.

            Motion by Minosky seconded by Doan to bid out the Street Department’s old truck. All in favor, motion carried.

            Motion made by Postlethwait seconded by Doan to go into executive session inviting council, mayor, clerk and present board members to discuss SOQ’s received for Area F Projects. All in favor, motion carried.

            Motion to go back into regular session made by Minosky seconded by Saling. All in favor, motion carried.

            Motion by Postlethwait seconded by Saling to hire Thrasher Engineering Firm for the Sewer Area F Project. All in favor, motion carried.

            Councilman Doan reminded of the upcoming CPR classes to be held for Village employees August 26 and 28.

            Motion to adjourn made by Saling seconded by Minosky. All in favor, motion carried.