Village of Caldwell Council Meeting Minutes for May, 2022

The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, May 9, 2022 at 5:00 p.m., with the following members present: Antill, Rucker, Welsh, Saling, Minosky and Postlethwait.

            The previous month regular minutes approved as written including the March 1, 2022 special meeting.

            Motion by Minosky seconded Rucker by that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying bills including monthly.  All in favor motion carried.

            Deputy Channell of the Noble County Sheriff’s Office reported activities in the Village. Channell responded to 93 calls with 15 property checks, 12 traffic stops. 1 of traffic stops resulting in a traffic citation for suspended license and turned into a drug investigation. Other investigations 7included B&E and unruly juveniles.

            Josh Lapp and Matt Leasure of Designing Local presented project for the Downtown Revitalization Program. Designing local has been working with the Mayor and Gwynn Stewart on the project and they will be applying for a grant thru Buckeye Hills for the project. Historic tax credits will be available for the project and the plan will soon be online.

            Mayors comments: Governor Dewine announcement of $450 million in grants will be invested to help communities carry out projects to rejuvenate the region and stimulate economic growth. Mayor Wells thanked Gwynn Stewart for nominating the village for the Tourism Excellence Award. In need of Christmas volunteers. Looking for interest in purchasing trolley.

            Village Administrator Crum comments: Village of Caldwell Clean Up Days May 12-14 with curbside pickup and Caldwell Football Team to help on Saturday. Disc Golf opening hopeful for Labor Day Weekend.

            Chasity Schmelzenbach discussed Demolition Grants.

            Second Reading held Ordinance 2022-04 Pavilion security deposit.

            First Reading held Ordinance 2022-05 Amending Fee schedules.

            Committee reports:

            Planning/Zoning: Mapping by James Lenner finished.


            Service/Safety: Bucket truck inspection finished and ready to go.   

            Finance: Councilman Minosky stated finances good.


            Mayor, council and clerk wished councilwomen Welsh Happy Birthday.

            Motion to adjourn by Saling seconded by Postlethwait. All in favor, motion carried.                                                                                                 Respectfully submitted,