Village of Caldwell Council Meeting Minutes for May, 2023

The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, May 8, 2023 at 5:00 p.m., with the following members present: Rucker, Saling, Minosky, Welsh and Postlethwait. Antill absent.

The previous month regular minutes approved as written.

Motion by Minosky seconded by Saling that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying bills including monthly. All in favor motion carried.

Mayors comments: Possible funding Ohio Department of Development for Olive Street Sidewalk Project with clerk/treasurer adding budget and appropriation changes will need to be made for this project. Sewer Project moving forward.

Randy Lowe, Danny Lowe and Jennifer Lorenz approached council with ideas of new welcome sign in Village. Sign will be designed and forwarded to council at a later date.

Village Administrator comments: Trash clean up with Crum and Deputy Lumpkins contacting resident in village in need of property clean up. Apprenticeship up and running. Interviewing for new water plant employee with Brian Ruppel resigning.

Sheriff Department Comments: Deputy Lumpkins reported on hours spent in village and statistics on activities. Lumpkins stated he is stepping up patrol in troubled areas, spreading the workd for clean up and working on high grass areas.

Motion by Rucker seconded by Postlethwait to accept Resolution 2023-09 authorizing the Mayor on behalf of the Village of Caldwell to apply for funding with the Ohio Department of Development for the Olive Street Project. All in favor, motion carried.

Second Reading for handbook held.

Committee reports:


Service/Safety: Councilwomen Welsh requested parking concerns to be reviewed on Walnut Street.

Finance: Councilman Minosky reported finances in good shape with Clerk/Treasurer recommending finishing current projects before taking on new.

Tourism: Disc Golf, Walking Track moving forward.

Clerk/Treasurer Ramage requested council review new school complex for providing water/sewer services. The new complex is divided in and out of village.

Counil president Postlethwait reported peddlers license can now be paid online. Postlethwait stated that the Village of Caldwell received complaints on allowing Chick-fil-A to set up and sell in the Village. Postlethwait and council agreed that the Village is not in the position of denying anyone to purchase a license and sell in the Village.

Motion by Rucker seconded by Postlethwait to approve the closing of Cumberland Street June 30 from 5-9 for the Caldwell High School Cheerleader Event. All in favor, motion carried.

Sheriff Mackie, Prosecuting Attorney Croucher attended and discussed varies subjects including Ordinance enforcement, abandoned properties and unpaid property taxes.

Mayor Wells stated Christmas meeting to be held in June and the Wall that Heals information is now on village’s website.

Lawn mower bids opened with the following:

Tim Burch – $2,050.00

Jason Weber – $1851.00

Charles Crane – $501.00

James Porter – $800.00

Chris Clark – $3,000.00

Adam Hendershot – $1,500.00

Doug Forshey – $1,500.00

Zac Gadd – $3,600.00

Aaron Reed – $2753.55

James Johnson $2676.00

Motion by Minosky seconded by Welsh accepting Zac Gadd bid of $3,600.00 for the lawn mower. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Welsh seconded by Postlethwait to adjourn. All in favor, motion carried.