Village of Caldwell Meeting Minutes for December, 2024

The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday December 9, 2024 at 5:00 p.m., with the following members present: Antill, Rucker, Minosky, Postlethwait, Welsh and Hopkins.

            The previous month regular minutes approved as written.

            Motion by Welsh seconded by Rucker that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying monthly and year end bills. All in favor motion carried.

            Mayors comments: Pre-Construction meeting for Water Plant projects held. Buckeye Hills will be handling funding along with prevailing wages. Contractors have worked together previously. Mayor and council discussed storage tanks addition to project. Current sewer project is not closed.

            Councilman Antill asked if plant storage was back up to capacity after recent water leaks and Village Administrator Conaway stated that yes all back in order. Councilman Minosky questioned Shenandoah Schools adding storage tanks and whether they approached mayor or council. Conaway to follow up with school.

            Discussion held on need of updating contracts with satellite companies.

             Village Administrator comments: Gas company to repair streets. Downtown Revitalization project continuing with completion in 2026. Main Street hole to be repaired by street department. Bulk station to be finished soon.

            Councilman Minosky questioned use of piping left over from sewer project. Minosky questioned donating some of piping, VA Conaway thought sewer plant have use for it.

            Mayor Wells stated need of volunteers for Grinch Breakfast. Also stating the Village Christmas Parade was a huge success.

            Mayor Wells discussed need for additional water plant employee. Clerk/treasurer stated that the revenue is not currently enough for addition with Councilwomen Welsh adding that she feels scheduling is the issue at the water plant. Also, discussion held on reinstating a time clock system with Sheriff Mackie adding the program he uses is successful.

            Lewis Street Hair Artist requesting parking spots for business. Councilman Rucker stated that they could talk to school for solution as they have added parking that isn’t being used.

            Deputy May of Sheriff Department discussed hunting issue at Caldwell Lake stating that the violators presented documentation from former village administration allowing them to hunt at Caldwell Lake. Follow up for further investigation.

            Motion by Minosky seconded by Hopkins accepting Resolution 2024-08 approving temporary appropriations for 2025. All in favor, motion carried.

            Motion by Rucker seconded by Antill accepting Ordinance 2024-07 for bulk water pricing. All in favor, motion carried.

            Committee reports:



            Finance: Budget meeting to be held. Councilman Minosky recommended to get pricing for outside company to install remainder water meters. Council president Postlethwait request the addition of cameras for village to be added to budget.

            Parks/Rec: Disc Golf Pads installation continuing.

            2025 Calendar for meetings approved.

            Councilman Minosky stated that he met with Commissioners on houses falling in within the Village. Requesting follow up on what can be done.

            Motion to adjourn by Welsh seconded by Postlethwait. All in favor, motion carried.