Village of Caldwell Meeting Minutes for January, 2025

The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, January 13, 2025, at 5:00 p.m., with the following members present: Antill, Rucker, Welsh, Saling, Minosky and Postlethwait.

The previous month’s meeting minutes approved as written.

Motion by council that they have received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying bills including monthly. All in favor motion carried.

Mayor comments: Storytelling and Education grant. Up to $5000 awarded per community. Due the 31st. Discussion about Capital budget and ideas around that. Kayak launcher, walking track expansion, new property redo, resurface pickleball court, were among the topics. Olive street water issues discussed sending pictures to Kyle. Talked about grant opportunities for businesses to use for building upkeep and maintenance. Jeff mentioned Vista Grant.

VA comments: Dunlap water plant discussion. Waiting for the weather and parts before they return to work. Downtown revitalization to begin June 2025. May impact Fireman’s festival. The North Street project and downtown construction will begin as early as March. Discussion regarding downtown revitalization project and Designing Local on what some ideas are. How far will the sidewalk go beyond the square was discussed.

Motion made by Marcy Welsh, seconded by Isaac Antill to accept resolution 2025-01, Crock Properties Water/Sewer Project – JEDD. Antill abstained. All in favor motion carried.

Motion made by Jeff Minosky, seconded by Shane Rucker to accept resolution 2025-02, America 250 Ohio Grant. All in favor motion carried.

Motion made by Jeff Minosky, seconded by Shane Rucker to accept resolution 2025-03, supporting Ohio Commission of the United States semi quincentennial. All in favor motion carried.

Reading one of the appropriations for 2025. No voting necessary.

Reminder for media/Journal to report to residents to move vehicles if there is more than 2” of snow. This will help alleviate any issues with plowing the streets.

No other committee reports.

Motion to adjourn by Marcy Welsh seconded by Jeff Minosky. All in favor, motion carried.