Village of Caldwell Council Meeting Minutes for July, 2022

The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, July 11, 2022 at 5:00 p.m., with the following members present: Antill, Rucker, Welsh, Saling, Minosky and Postlethwait.

Previous month minutes approved as written.

A motion was made by Minosky seconded by Saling that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying bills including. All in favor, motion carried.

Mayor comments: Bill Boyd has finished painting light poles. A few left that village employees will do. Working on financing next sewer project. Christmas and tourism projects on going.

Village Administrator: Checking on East Street tree removal cost of $1800.00 at Mary Merry residence. 716 Railroad Street tree issue. Council women Welsh questioned who responsibility to cut trees. Council tabled to look into farther.

Sheriff Department Comments: 160 hours dedicated in Village with property checks, traffic stops with 2 ending in citations, assault that ending in arrest. Discussion on Cornstalk Road speed limit sign.

Eli Svercek with Caldwell High School Soccer spoke to council about soccer field use with council approval.

Jack and Shirley Hayes approached council with questions on contingency holding on sewer project. Hayes questioned village to pay him for services. Village Solicitor Cross stated to Hayes that the Village only makes payment to contractor and not to sub-contractors hired by Ohio Erie. Cross to follow up with more information.

Rachel Bauerbach of 609 Spruce Street approached council with complaint on cats in village. Bauerbach stated the smell is terrible. Bauerbach stated her next-door neighbor has several cats and no one living there. Solicitor to research on possible ordinance on cats. Council women Welsh PAWS takes cats once a month to be spayed or neutered.

Nancy Finley of 1019 Belford Street reported to council a sink hole beside her garage caused by neighbor downspouts. Finley stated she is tired of looking at neighbor trash. Finley stated she keeps her property nice and wants the same around her. Village Solicitor to send letter on downspouts but stated the other matters are civil case between neighbors.

Sheriff Mackie discussed council purchasing a side by side for shared use. Mackie stated the cost is between $10,500.00-$14,700.00 for an electric one. Council to research.

Motion to accept Resolution 2022-19 made by Rucker seconded by Postlethwait authorizing the mayor of the Village of Caldwell to prepare and apply to participate in the Appalachia Regional Commission program. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Welsh seconded by Antill accepting Resolution 2022-20 authorizing the mayor or Village Administrator to apply for Public Spaces Grants with Community Placemaking Grants for Downtown Revitalization. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Welsh seconded by Postlethwait accepting Resolution 2022-21 authorizing mayor to apply, accept and enter into Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Agreement for Area E,G and Interceptor. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Minosky seconded by Saling to accept Resolution 2022-22 increasing appropriations. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Minosky seconded by Saling accepting Ordinance 2022-05 amending fee schedules in the Village. All in favor, motion carried.

Committee reports:



Service/Safety: Tree Ordinances need reviewed.


Parks and Recreation: Frisbee Golf Project moving forward.

Councilman Minosky stated the time capsule will be sealed on August 12 and if anyone wants to add to let him know.

A motion to adjourn made by Minosky seconded by Postlethwait. All in favor, motion carried.

2 thoughts on “Village of Caldwell Council Meeting Minutes for July, 2022”

  1. I feel the PAWS is doing all they can to control cats and dogs on the loose. They do a great job and go above and beyond the call of duty to diminish the number of strays in town and I know they will continue to do so in the future.

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