Board of Public Affairs Meetings Minutes, December 2019

The Board of Public Affairs for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. with the following members present: Clark, Estadt and Radcliff. 

Minutes for November meeting approved as written.

Radcliff questioned Noble Water Supply and Famous Supply bills with answer of Noble Water Supply monthly bill and gloves purchased at Famous Supply. A motion to pay the bills including monthly bills and year-end made by Radcliff seconded by Estadt. 

Brandon Crock approached the board requesting fill dirt from the next sewer project for football field behind school. Clark responded to Crock he did not see any problem with this and worked out with contractor. Clark also stated that the Fair Board is interested in some of the dirt also. 

Matt Miller of WE Quicksall reported on water and sewer projects in Village. Sewer Area F – Project advertised with no changes to bid documents with an addendum forthcoming. As of today, three additional plan holders bought bidding packets. Bid Opening December 18, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. After opening a bid tabulation will be prepared and distributed to village for review. Miller stated he would present the board with a recommendation at the January 13, 2020 meeting. Preconstruction meeting and construction commencement will be in spring of 2020. Activated Carbon Powder Feed System PTI – Comments received on Monday December 9. Comments to be addressed and submitted to OEPA.

Julie Ward, Ohio RCAP, Rural Development Specialist presented the board with an Asset Management Plan for the Water Plant. Ward explained the need of actively managing and budgeting for future replacement. Ward explained maintenance strategies, plan development, water use rules and regulations. Ward also explained budgeting for revenue sufficiency and safeguarding capital reserves.

Motion made by Radcliff seconded by Clark to go into executive session to discuss personnel inviting superintendents. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion to go back into regular session made by Estadt seconded by Clark. All in favor motion carried. 

Water Superintendent Jason Weber discussed plant operations including the following: NCI tank in violation fencing needs done. Locating valves for GIS system. 114 meters installed last month. Meeting with RCAP and satellite companies Thursday December 12, 2019 table talk exercise for emergency preparedness. New fire hydrant and valves install at Landmark where someone hit. 

Sewer Plant Superintendent Jerod Ramage reported on plant operations with the following: Smoke testing finished with report. Several people still in violation. New letters to send out.  Thrasher scanning maps on disk. Still unable to reach Patsy Parks. Headworks at Prison and clarifier valve replacement in spring. 

No shut offs for December.

Motion by Estadt seconded by Clark to name Radcliff Board Chairman for 2020. All in favor, motion carried.

Christmas Party for Village employees Wednesday December 18 from 11:00 – 1:00.

Motion to adjourn made by Clark seconded by Radcliff. All in favor, motion carried.

_____________________________               Samantha Ramage, Clerk-Treasurer 


Brad Radcliff, Chairman