Village of Caldwell Council Meeting Minutes for January, 2022
The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, January 10, 2022 at 5:00 p.m., with the following members present: Rucker, Welsh, Saling, Minosky and Postlethwait. Antill joined via Zoom.
The previous month regular minutes approved as written.
Motion by Rucker seconded by Saling that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying bills including monthly. All in favor motion carried.
Mayors comments: 2021 a very successful year ending wrapping up projects. Caldwell Lake Restroom to continue this spring when receiving permits. Disc Golf Project approved with a spring start date. Looking into Caldwell Lake parking lot and a walkway around Sunset Pond. Receiving a 3.7 Million dollar grant for next sewer project. Ice Rink completed. Friday Superintendent meetings going well. Christmas festivities huge success. Curb installation to continue.
Village Administrator Crum absent. Crum left reports for council to review on Circle Drive and Pin Oak.
Sheriff Jason Mackie and Deputy Channell of the Noble County Sheriffs Office reported on the following in the Village: 31 calls for service. 11Traffic stops, 23 property checks including Caldwell Lake, churches, businesses and the Sunset Pond. 2 Arrest on warrants and subpoenas served. Sheriff Mackie and Council also discussed options for scheduling and patrolling in village with a full-time deputy.
West Street Coffee Bar owners Lakesha Huff and Neil Barlock approached council with parking complaints. Interest in changing parking along 821 and request 2 – 15-minute parking spots in front of business. Sheriff Mackie added he had been working his way thru courthouse asking employees to park off of square. Councilman Rucker added the state would have to approve changing parking on 821. Mayor Wells stated she would follow up and try to find solution to parking issues.
Motion by Antill seconded by Rucker accepting Resolution 2022-01 accepting a one-year agreement with the Noble County Commissioners and The Noble County Sheriff’s Department for Village services. All in favor, motion carried.
Motion by Minosky seconded by Saling accepting Resolution 2022-02 authorizing the mayor to sign into agreement with ODOT for the Systematic safety Program. All in favor, motion carried.
First Reading Ordinance 2022-01 Appropriations held.
Council continued discussions on parking with follow up with Sheriff for 2-hour parking to be enforced and 15-minute parking signs to be installed. Also, Village Administrator to send out letters to courthouse employees.
2022 Committees to remain the same with a motion by Welsh seconded by Rucker to name Michael Postlethwait Council President. All in favor, motion carried.
Committee reports:
Motion to adjourn by Rucker seconded by Postlethwait. All in favor, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
____________________ Clerk