Village Council Meeting Minutes, February, 2020

The Council for the Village of Caldwell met in regular session on Monday, February 10, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., with the following members present: Antill, Postlethwait, Welsh, Saling, Minosky and Doan absent. 

Previous month minutes approved as written.

A motion was made by Antill seconded by Saling that council has received and reviewed all monthly reports including bank reconciliation, appropriation status, fund status, revenue status, payment ledger and payroll reports to include paying bills including monthly and year end. All in favor, motion carried.

Mayor Wells stated that she has had a busy and informative first month with the following: HGTV video finished and submitted, working with ODOT for safe walkways and Mayor Wells also reported to council that she had applied for a grant for Christmas decorations.

Sgt. Pointer reported on activity in the village with several property checks performed and deputies responded to suspicious activity on two occasions. 

Noble County Commissioner Brad Peoples and OSU Extension Gwen Stewart introduced

 Larry Merry of the Belmont County Port Authority to discuss working together with the Village and County for economical development in the county trying to  find companies to locate here. Merry discussed the upcoming cracker plant and the impact it will have on the county creating jobs. Gwen Stewart added the importance on working together to bring business to Noble County. Stewart also discussed the importance of every person filling out the 2020 Census. Stewart stated the first mailing will be in March.

Julie Mettler approached council to follow up with interest in Apprentice Ohio. Mettler stated that she would like the Village to be a group sponsor and supply on the job training to high school students. Proposed occupations to apprentice would be water and sewer operators. 

Resolution 2020-01 Postlethwait seconded by Welsh authorizing village clerk to renew eye and dental insurance with United Healthcare.

Motion to go into executive session made by Postlethwait seconded by Antill to discuss personnel matters inviting Mayor, Solicitor and Brad Radcliff. All in favor, motion carried.

Motion to go back into regular session made by Minosky seconded by Saling. All in favor, motion carried. 

Ordinance 2020-02 Salaries tabled.

First Reading held on Ordinance for Historic District.

Councilman Minosky reported he had been working on the Historic District Ordinance for the Village to be a qualifying district.  Minosky also reported he had been researching new street sweepers,

getting quotes for replacing brick in lays around square and looking for grants for abandoned homes.

Councilwomen Welsh reported on a complaint on Kennedy Drive with black ravens/birds on homes. 

Councilman Antill reported on streets with water issues on North Street hill after paving. Antill stated cheapest route to curb due to grinding too expensive. 

Councilman Postlethwait discussed the importance of everyone filling out and returning tax forms.

Jason Mackie Candidate for Noble County Sheriff introduced himself and stated he had been knocking on doors in the village and hope to work with the village as the new sheriff. Mackie stated if he wins sheriff he would like to assign one deputy to the village therefore citizens will know who to contact.

Motion to adjourn by Saling seconded by Minosky. All in favor, motion carried.